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September 10, 2007

Why The Music Industry Sucks! - Part One

I was watching a television show today. It was one of those music shows where you can make requests for them to play what you want to see. What a great concept for a show! If only the general public weren’t such narrow-minded idiots!

Essentially we have a television program which allows us to view and hear music that we probably don’t get to hear very often because radio stations and such wont play it. So therefore seeing songs by 40 Below Summer, Sikth, Breed 77 and other great bands that don’t get the airplay they deserve is possible. So why is it that whenever I turn on this program I am bombarded with the same shit I hear everyday? Why would anybody request ‘Fergalicious’ when you can simply turn on the radio and hear it anyway? Why waste your time writing, emailing or SMS-ing your request…and more importantly why waste your money?

The problem with music these days is that people only want to hear stuff that they have heard before! There are millions upon millions of great bands who will never be heard because they simply cannot get little Sammy to spend the 55cents to request their music because little Sammy, being the narrow-minded little shit that he is, would rather hear ‘Smack That’ instead.

Some people might sit there and blame this on the television station. Yes I'm sure that they do receive hundreds of requests a week for songs that aren’t usually on their playlists and choose not to play them. But the fact remains….if people didn’t change the channel every time they heard something unfamiliar to them, then the television station wouldn’t choose to play the same songs everyday!

So next time you happen to be watching your music channel….if you hear something you’ve never heard before…give it a chance! And for Christ sakes request a song that isn’t in the top 100! Its time to expand the worlds taste in music!


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